(A-) Case Study: National Geographic TV Series Genius MLK/X features Martin Luther King handwriting font.
>An excellent example showcasing the usage of historic handwriting fonts can be found in National Geographic’s TV Series Geniuses MLK/X episode 1 “Graduation” directed by Channing Godfrey Peoples. While the printed letter only fills the screen for a few seconds, the handwriting font gives this content an adequate form. In this case, especially because the font…
Martin Luther King Font Update #41 May 2024 – Feature on TV, all vowel variations complete + a complete set of final n variations.
Martin Luther King Font featured in National Geographic’s Geniuses MLK/X The MLK handwriting font was used to recreate a handwritten letter in the TV Series Geniuses MLK/X. You can read about it in more detail in → this post. Seeing the font on screen I noticed that the final lowercase letters can stick out a…
Martin Luther King Font Update #40 February 2024 – more vowels.
>The Martin Luther King Jr. font is designed to store four variations for each letter, but currently, many letters only have one or two variations. Since vowels appear more frequently than consonants in words, having a broader range of vowel variations improves the overall look of the font. Following update #39, the February version continues…